Welcome to i XBMC (update 2015)

How to install and configure XBMC, Fusion and Mash-up. Why sould i install XBMC? With this software, you can watch free movies, tv-shows, live tv like NHL or NFL live games and more.

It's free, easy, well designed without advertising ! Take a look to my setup!

XBMC & Mash-up

Step 3 : Mash-up

1. Go under System - Settings

2. Click on addons

3. Click on get Add-ons

4. Click on SuperRepo All. If you dont have SuperRepo All you miss step 2

5. Select Video Add-on

6. Scroll down and select Mash Up

7. Click on Install

8. Wait until Mash up is installed ...

9. Go back to the main screen and click on Videos

10. Select Add-ons

11. Select Video Add-ons

12. Click on Mash Up

13. You are done, Mash-up is installed !!!

14. Have Fun! To watch TV-Shows i recommend the addons 1Channel !

Step 2: "SuperRepro" addons

1. Download SuperRepo ALL on your computer. Download link

2. Go under System - Settings

3. Click on addons

4. Install from zip file

 5. Select repository.superrepo.org.frodo ….: If you don’t have "it", back to step 1 and download the file

6. You are done! Now you can install Mash-up (movies) or 1Channel (TV-SHOWS)

Step 1: XBMC

1. Download it here: http://xbmc.org/download/
2. Install it
3. You are done !
4. Next step is to install "Super Repo" So you can acces many addons to watch movies, tv show and more.

Install 1Channel to watch any tv-shows or movies !


Follow this if you want to watch any TV-SHOWS : install the addons 1Channel

1. Go under System - Settings

2. Click on addons

3. Get Add-ons

4. Select SuperRepro All, if you dont have it you miss step 2 Install SuperRepro

5. Select Video Add-ons

6. Select 1Channel

7. Click on Install

8. Go back to main screen and select "Video" "Add-ons"

9. Select 1 Channel.

10. TV shows

11. Select the categorie you want !

12. You are done !

Optional: How to install Fusion

Step 1: Launch XBMC Software. If you dont have XBMC, click here !

Screen Shot 2012 04 25 at 2.14 Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 2: Navigate to “SYSTEM” and then open “File Manager.”
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.51.28 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 3: Select “Add Source” on the Left Side of the Screen.
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.51.35 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
 Step 4: Click on the text box that says <None> to open up the keyboard.
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.51.43 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 5: Type “http://fusion.xbmchub.com” (without quotations) on the keyboard and then choose the “Done” button on the left side of the keyboard.
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.51.56 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 6: You’ll now see the site address that you just typed at the top is listed, next click the empty text box at the bottom under “Enter a name for this media Source.”
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.52.00 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 7: You’ll now have a keyboard pop up, type “fusion” (without quotations) then press the “Done” button again.
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.52.05 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 8: Verify that your screen appears as follows, and then press the “OK” button at the bottom in order to save the new file source.
Screen Shot 2012 04 25 at 1.53 Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
Step 9: Your File Manager window should now look like the one below, assuming it does, you can now return to the Main Menu.
Screen Shot 2012 04 24 at 6.52.15 PM Fusion: Easy Addon Installation for XBMC
You are done. To watch free movies, tv shows and more install "Mash-up"